How to Use a Nipple Shield
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Nipple shields are useful tools to help babies latch onto a difficult-to-latch nipple and to provide a barrier for nursing mothers who experience uncorrectable discomfort or pain with direct latching. Learning how to use a nipple shield before you give birth is important especially if you have flat, inverted, and/or very small nipples.
For some nursing parents who encounter these challenges, nipples shields can save a breastfeeding relationship. They can be used temporarily until a baby gets better at latching; or they can be used through the full duration of breastfeeding.
If you are not sure if you fall under any of these categories, we recommend consulting with a lactation consultant ahead of time. The following is a step-by-step guide to using a nipple shield.
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Steps to Using a Nipple Shield
- Start with clean hands and a clean nipple shield.
- Wash or soak the nipple shield in warm water to soften it. The water will also help the shield stick to your skin.
- Turn the nipple shield inside out slightly and gently place it over your nipple and areola, so that the shield is stretched tight over your breast with your nipple centered within the shield. If the nipple shield has a cut out, this is meant to line up with your baby’s nose so he can smell your skin.
- Express some colostrum or milk into the shield’s chamber by massaging your breast. You can also squeeze a few drops of the expressed milk in the chamber onto the outside of the shield by gently squeezing the shield.
- Use your preferred latching technique to latch your baby onto your shielded breast.
- Make sure your baby’s lips are at the base of the shield throughout the feeding; the shielded nipple should not be moving in and out of her mouth.
- You may assist your baby during nursing by gently massaging your breast to express your colostrum or milk into the chamber if the flow slows down or your baby has trouble sucking effectively.
- After nursing, peel off the shield starting from the side to break the suction.
- Repeat the process on the opposite breast.
- Wash the shield in hot soapy water, rinse and store in a clean, dry place.
It may take a little practice to get used to putting on and nursing with a nipple shield. Make sure to get help in the hospital from a trained professional if needed.
⇒ Find more Helpful Baby Feeding Tools Here.
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