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A printable list of things to learn and do in each trimester of pregnancy.
Safe, inclusive, evidence-based education on feeding your baby with human milk, formula, or both
This page provides links to the most helpful products on Amazon to help you feed your baby.
Learn the most commonly used breastfeeding positions.
Learn how to get an effective and comfortable breastfeeding latch.
A way to communicate with health providers your feeding goals and how you want to ensure adequate feeding.
Learn the signs of a well-fed versus underfed newborn to ensure safe feeding.
Learn how to do skin-to-skin care safely while promoting breastfeeding in the first days after birth.
Tips on keeping newborns awake for a full feeding.
Step-by-step guide to expressing colostrum or breast milk, especially in the first days after delivery.
Tips on getting a deep and effective latch
Learn how to address breastfeeding problems during and beyond the first week after birth
How to manage engorgement when milk comes in to prevent discomfort and promote milk let down.
How to calculate percent weight loss to protect your baby from underfeeding
Link to the Newborn Weight Loss Tool to detect and prevent excessive weight loss in newborns
Calculate your baby's estimated daily milk requirement given their age and weight
Learn the signs of a HUNGRY newborn and when supplementation is needed
Know the danger signs of inadequate feeding that require immediate medical attention and supplementation.
Checklist of items to ensure adequate feeding upon discharge from the hospital and things to ask at the follow-up visit
How to supplement when needed while maintaining your milk supply
Learn about all the ways to supplement a baby with banked donor milk or formula
Guide to supplementing at the breast with a supplemental nursing system
Guide for parents and health professionals to protect newborns from feeding complications
A breakdown of which steps actually promote breastfeeding and which ones don't
Link to CDC guidelines on contraindications to breastfeeding
Resources for pumped milk feeding including information on breast pumps, proper cleaning of parts, and more
Resources for families who feed with both breast milk and formula
Additional resources for maintaining breastfeeding past the first week
Follow your baby's growth curve to optimize long-term health and development.
To learn more, read the Fed Is Best book available on paperback, e-book, and audiobook.