Learn about the special considerations for feeding infants of diabetic mothers and large-for-gestational-age babies.

This page provides links to the most helpful products on Amazon to help you feed your baby.

Learn how to ensure adequate feeding and prevent hypoglycemia if you have diabetes or if your baby is large for gestational age.

Learn about how babies are stabilized after birth and monitored and supported to ensure adequate feeding.

Learn about special feeding needs for late preterm, early term, and small-for gestational-age babies.

Learn how to initiate breastfeeding a premature and small-for-gestational-age newborn while ensuring sufficient feeding.

Learn how to optimize your milk supply as a pump-dependent mom while getting sleep.

Learn more about rare metabolic disorders that require different feeding strategies and milk.

Learn about infant feeding aversions and how tube feeding addresses multiple circumstances.

Learn how to initiate and maintain breastfeeding in a way that best meets yours and your baby's needs.

A complete guide on pumping, handling, and feeding pumped human milk.

Learn about low milk supply, supplemental nursing systems, and how to balance nursing and formula feeding.

Learn about evidence-based ways to bottle feed to improve infant health outcomes.

Tips to handle common latch problems when beginning to breastfeed.

Tips on handling common breastfeeding problems in the weeks after birth.

Learn about a commonly prescribed method for increasing milk supply, its limitations, and its impact on mental health.

Learn about self-care and how to protect your mental health.
To learn more about this topic, read the Fed Is Best book available on paperback, e-book, and audiobook.