Learn all you need to prepare to feed your baby after birth.

Safe, inclusive, evidence-based education on feeding your baby with human milk, formula, or both

This page provides links to the most helpful products on Amazon to help you feed your baby.

Tips on keeping a newborn awake for a full feeding.

Learn more about tongue ties and how to know if your baby's feeding is or is not affected by it.

Step-by-step guide to supplementing a breastfed baby while maintaining milk supply.

Learn about different methods to supplement a baby.

Guide to supplementing at the breast with a supplemental nursing system.

Evidence-based advice on addressing low milk supply and slow infant growth.

A commonly prescribed method of increasing milk supply, its limitations, and its impact on maternal mental health.

Learn the myths and facts of colic and ways to manage it.

How to handle high milk supply and fast milk flow that can overwhelm a baby.

Guide to preventing and treating plugged ducts and mastitis.

Guide to trouble shooting breast milk intolerance, allergies and colic.

Link to the CDC and WHO Growth Chart for follow your baby's growth.

Which growth chart is better at preventing poor growth and impaired brain development.

How to prevent and address refusal to drink breast milk or formula from a bottle.

When breastfeeding causes involuntary negative feelings in the nursing parent.

Learn more about infant and maternal nutritional requirements, nursing in public, weaning, and more.

Learn more about selecting breast pumps, pumped milk feeding, and more.

Learn about low milk supply, supplemental nursing systems, and how to supplement while maintaining milk supply.
To learn more, read the Fed Is Best book available on paperback, e-book, and audiobook.